Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Things to do in Put-in-Bay, South Bass Island, Ohio - Random Travel Instinct

Sights from Put-in-Bay in Ohio on a day trip. We begin the tour on a Miller Ferry that takes us from Catawba Island in Ohio to South Bass Island over Lake Erie. We explore the Put-in-Bay and the South Bass Island which has so many awesome things to do.

We went around the island in a golf cart that we hired from Put in Bay Golf Carts (www.putinbaygolfcarts.com). Though you can take your own car to the island on the ferry, golf carts are the preferred way to move around the island. The maximum speed limit on the island roads is 35 mph.

If you are unable to play the video directly from this page here is the direct link to YouTube, https://youtu.be/A6-kn4gX_RM

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