Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How to know which programs are using a DLL in Windows?

To know which applications or processes are using a DLL from the Command Prompt, use TASKLIST command with the following syntax.

tasklist /m [module]

For example, running the following command will list all applications that are using the ADVAPI32.dll:

tasklist /m ADVAPI32.dll

[Update 2023-07-20] Output in Windows 11:

Note: To open the Command Prompt, go to Start > Run. Then type CMD and hit Enter.

How to know which DLLs are being used by a program in Windows?

From the command line run the following command syntax:

tasklist /m /fi "IMAGENAME eq [filename.exe]"

Replace the [filename.exe] above with the executable file name for which you need information.

For example: With Notepad.exe

tasklist /m /fi "IMAGENAME eq notepad.exe"

Sample Output:

Image Name                   PID Modules
========================= ====== =============================================
NOTEPAD.EXE                 3340 ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll, comdlg32.dll,
                                 ADVAPI32.dll, RPCRT4.dll, Secur32.dll,
                                 COMCTL32.dll, msvcrt.dll, GDI32.dll,
                                 USER32.dll, SHLWAPI.dll, SHELL32.dll,
                                 WINSPOOL.DRV, ShimEng.dll, AcGenral.DLL,
                                 WINMM.dll, ole32.dll, OLEAUT32.dll,
                                 MSACM32.dll, VERSION.dll, USERENV.dll,
                                 UxTheme.dll, IMM32.DLL, LPK.DLL, USP10.dll,
                                 MSCTF.dll, msctfime.ime, autoaway.dll

Update: 2023-07-20
Here is a screenshot from Windows 11

Note: To open the Command Prompt, go to Start > Run. Then type CMD and hit Enter.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Large Hadron Collider Activated

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was activated for the first time today on 10 September 2008. The LHC is the world's largest and most powerful subatomic particle accelerator.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google Chrome (Beta) Released

Google has launched the beta release of an open source web browser named Google Chrome which is available for Windows XP and Vista only. The browser can be downloaded from here for free.

Google Chrome is based on WebKit, the open-source rendering engine which is used by Apple’s Safari browser and Google’s Android operating system.

The web browser market is presently dominated by Microsoft's Internet Explorer with 80% of the market.

Google also launched a 38-page comic book along with the browser to describe its usage which is available here. The Blogoscoped article here covers details of what is going on. BBC has covered the event here.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

CStatic control loses transparency in Visual C++

I want to display some information on a control with transparent background. I am using a CStatic control and when opening, the control has a transparent background. But when I try to set the desired information in the control, my control loses transparency and it becomes like a basic CStatic control although it has been set to be transparent. I have overridden the OnPaint method from the derived CStatic class named StaticCtrl. Here is the code of the OnPaint method. I don't do anything else. I only override OnPaint.

void StaticCtrl::OnPaint()
    CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
    // Where to draw text
    CRect clientRect;
    // Get the caption
    CString strTitle;
    // Get the font
    CFont *pFont, *pOldFont;
    pFont = GetFont();
    pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(pFont);
    DWORD dwStyle = GetStyle(), dwText = 0;
    // Map "Static Styles" to "Text Styles"
    #define MAP_STYLE(src, dest)
        if(dwStyle & (src)) dwText |= (dest)
    #define NMAP_STYLE(src, dest)
        if(!(dwStyle & (src))) dwText |= (dest)
    // Set transparent background
    // Draw the text
    if(GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_STATIC_CANCEL)
    dc.SetTextColor(RGB(255, 0, 0));
    if(GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_CONNECTIONTXT ||
       GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_RATETXT)
    dc.SetTextColor(RGB(250, 100, 0));
    if(GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_PERCENT ||
       GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_REMAINING ||
       GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_TIMETXT)
       dc.SetTextColor(RGB(250, 100, 0));

    dc.DrawText(strTitle, clientRect, dwText);
    // Select old font

Solution: If you have changed the CDialog background color, you will notice that CStatic & some other controls' background colors still show as the system default COLOR_BTNFACE color. To handle this issue, just make the controls' background transparent so it takes up the color of the dialog's background. Use something like this in your subclassed CDialog's OnCtlColor() event handler to make the background of all static text controls on the dialog transparent. This code considers CMyDialog was derived from CDialog.:

HBRUSH CMyDialog::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
    HBRUSH hbr = CDialog::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);
    CBrush m_brHollow = m_brHollow.CreateStockObject(HOLLOW_BRUSH);

    if (nCtlColor == CTLCOLOR_EDIT) {
        pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(0, 0, 0));  // text color
        pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);      // background mode
        hbr = m_brHollow;                 // return NULL brush
    return hbr;

If you have painted your dialog background with WHITE, CMyDialog::OnCtlColor() I posted above works fine with CStatic controls on the dialog. But if you have a CSliderCtrl control on the dialog, you'll see that the code above makes the background color of the CSliderCtrl control pitch BLACK.

A work-around is simply to return a handle to a WHITE brush instead of a NULL brush like the code below. This code snippet considers CMyDialog was derived from CDialog & the dialog background was painted white by overriding the CDialog::OnEraseBkgnd() method.

HBRUSH CMyDialog::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
    HBRUSH hbr = CDialog::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);
    CBrush m_brBgColor;

    // dialog background WHITE
    m_brBgColor.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 255, 255));
    if (nCtlColor == CTLCOLOR_EDIT) {
        pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(0, 0, 0)); // text color
        pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);     // background mode
        hbr = m_brBgColor;               // return WHITE brush
    return hbr;

Refer this.