Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Google buying FeedBurner for $100 million

In this context, it is essential to recognize that the aggregation of personal preferences and browsing history of ordinary users is consolidating within the databases of a single company. This aggregation enables the correlation and analysis of vast amounts of private information. While this information is already scattered across the internet, the concern arises from its gradual centralization under the control of a single private entity. The potential consequences for our personal and private data in relation to our browsing experiences are a matter of concern.

One notable outcome of this centralization is the potential for the company to offer more integrated, personalized, and localized services to its users. This aspect is particularly intriguing in the current landscape of internet search dominated by companies like Google.

Wired writes Google To Drop $100 Million On Feedburner here. BetaNews reports Google to Acquire Feedburner for $100 Million here.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Can Google and Linux Topple Microsoft?

The Federal Aviation Administration's CIO, David Bowen, is considering replacing Microsoft Windows and Office with Linux and Google Apps Premium for cost and compatibility reasons. Google Apps offers collaborative tools, but not all functionalities of Microsoft Office. Concerns exist over data security with third-party servers. Microsoft argues that costs are not solely dependent on software and addresses compatibility issues. The FAA has not made a final decision yet. Here is an article from Route-Fifty.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Amazon to offer DRM-free music downloads

Great news awaits music enthusiasts worldwide, and it is expected to be warmly embraced. The current Digital Rights Management (DRM) policies governing the usage and distribution of music files are characterized by unjust and unfriendly restrictions that neglect the rights of purchasers or consumers. It is evident that such DRM policies were inherently doomed to fail indefinitely. When a customer acquires a piece of music in digital format, it is illogical to impose restrictions on the number of digital devices on which it can be transferred. The recent shift away from these restrictive policies is a positive development. It is hoped that the legal music industry will witness a substantial increase in sales as a result, minimizing losses to pirated content providers. Here is a ZDnet article.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Yahoo! Messenger is now available inside Web Browsers

This development brings positive implications for Yahoo Messenger users as it eliminates the need to install an additional application on their local machines. This enhancement greatly enhances convenience, especially for individuals who frequently utilize the application from cyber cafes, a common practice in India where a significant proportion of internet users access the web from such establishments. Notably, Yahoo holds the second position globally in the Instant Messaging (IM) space, boasting 88.5 million users according to audience measurement firm comScore Inc. However, it is worth mentioning that AOL's AIM holds the top spot in the United States, while Microsoft's MSN/Windows Live Messenger remains the most popular globally. Here is an article on Reuters.