Thursday, February 17, 2022

Local History, Genealogy and Rare Books in the Toledo Lucas County Public Library

Today I visited the 4th floor of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library which houses the section for Local History, Genealogy and Rare Books as part of the James M. & Patricia Kirchner Appold Local History Department. This was the first time for me.

This section houses an extensive collection of newspaper archives, government records, yearbooks, maps, manuscripts, genealogy, microfilms and other artifacts that document the history of Toledo and Lucas County. It is a library within a library with its own librarians.

Local history books at the Toledo Lucas County Public LibraryLocal history books at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library

Local history books at the Toledo Lucas County Public LibraryLocal history books at the Toledo Lucas County Public LibraryLocal history books at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library

Incunabula at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library

The Rare Books Collection section begins with a reading room which contains lots of incunabula and books about collecting books and a door to a secure vault where all the real rare books are stored.

There are about 5000 rare books in there with some as old as 500 to 700 years old.

The vault has its own air conditioning and atmosphere control system to ensure that the books last for hundreds of years.

Books from the vault can be taken out and read in this reading room only with a special hold order.

This is a native American Woodland Indian stone ax-head, created between 2500-1500 BC which is on display here.

A native American Woodland Indian stone ax-head, created between 2500-1500 BC

Clara Colby Clock at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library

The Clara Colby Clock. Made in Switzerland to order for the U.S. government in the late 1840s, its wood case is of Honduras Mahogany. For many years it stood in the Custom House of New York City. Because of changes in the Customs House, it was declared surplus property and put up for sale. It was purchased by Love & Veight, Toledo pioneer jewelers and watchmakers. For many years it was the regulator for their Summit Street store. When the firm closed around 1853, it came into the possession of the late Judge Francis L. Nichols. For forty years it stood on the stair landing of his Summit Street home (which is now Jamie Farr Park). When the home was broken up, the Judge gave the clock to Clara Colby. For 10 years it resided in the Colby home at 2019 Summit Street. It was passed on to a niece on her marriage and taken to Rochester, NY. On her death, her husband, George Colby, willed the clock to the Jermain Library and stipulated that it be known as the Clara Colby Clock. When the Jermain Branch closed, it was transferred to the Local History and Genealogy Department.

AN old telephone at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library

Here is an incomplete list of periodicals that are available at the local history department:

  1. AAHGS News
    1. Publisher: Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Soc., Inc.
  2. American Ancestors
    1. Publisher: New England Historic Genealogical Soc.
  3. American Archivist
    1. Publisher: Society of American Archivists
  4. American Association Almanac
    1. Publisher: Rex Hamann, ed., Andover, MN
  5. American Genealogist
  6. American Legion Press
    1. Publisher: Lucas County Council American Legion
  7. Ancestry Trails
    1. Publisher: Trumbull County Chapter, OGS
  8. Ansearchin' News
    1. Publisher: Tennessee Genealogical Society
  9. APG Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Association of Professional Genealogists
  10. APHA Newsletter
    1. Publisher: American Printing History Association
  11. Arkansas Family Historian
    1. Publisher: Arkansas Genealogical Soc., Inc.
  12. Bend of the River
    1. Publisher: Maumee, OH
  13. Big Picture
    1. Publisher: Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments
  14. Book Collector
    1. Publisher: The Collector Limited, London, England
  15. Book Source Magazine
    1. Publisher: John C. Huckans, ed. & pub., Cazenovia, NY
  16. Branches and Acorns
    1. Publisher: Southwest Texas Genealogical Soc.
  17. Bridge Builder
    1. Publisher: Pontius Family Association
  18. British Connections
    1. Publisher: International Soc. for British Genealogy and Family
  19. Bulletin
    1. Publisher: Western Reserve Historical Soc. Genealogical Committee
  20. Canal Society of Ohio Newsletter
    1. Publisher: Canal Soc. of Ohio, Lakewood, OH
  21. Carolina Herald and Newsletter
    1. Publisher: South Carolina Genealogical Soc.
  22. Carologue
    1. Publisher: South Carolina Historical Soc.
  23. Carroll Cousins
    1. Publisher: Carroll County Genealogical Soc.
  24. Champaign County Genealogical Society Newsletter
    1. Publisher: Champaign County Genealogical Society Newsletter
  25. Collections
    1. Publisher: AltaMira Press3, Blue Ridge Summit, PA
  26. Colorado Genealogist
    1. Publisher: Colorado Genealogical Soc.
  27. Connecticut Nutmegger
    1. Publisher: Connecticut Soc. of Genealogists
  28. Crossroads
    1. Publisher: Utah Genealogical Assn.
  29. Delaware Genealogical Society Journal
    1. Publisher: Delaware Genealogical Soc., Wilmington, DE
  30. Delaware Genealogist
    1. Publisher: Delaware County Genealogical Soc., OGS
  31. Detroit Soc. for Genealogical Research Magazine
    1. Publisher: Detroit Soc. for Genealogical Research
  32. DOROT
    1. Publisher: Jewish Genealogical Soc., New York, NY
  33. Dot! Newspaper
    1. Publisher: Susan Utterback, pub., Maumee, OH
  34. Downriver Seeker
    1. Publisher: Downriver Genealogical Soc., Lincoln Park, MI
  35. Echoes
    1. Publisher: Ohio Historical Soc.
  36. Elkhart County Indiana Searcher
    1. Publisher: Elkhart County [IN] Genealogical Society
  37. Everton's Genealogical Helper
  38. Familia
    1. Publisher: Ulster Genealogical & Historical Guild
  39. Family History
    1. Publisher: Institute of Heraldic & Genealogical Studies
  40. Family Tree
    1. Publisher: Montgomery County Chapter, OGS
  41. Family Tree Magazine
    1. Publisher: F & W Publications, Cincinnati, OH
  42. Family Tree Talk
    1. Publisher: Muskegon County [MI] Genealogical Soc.
  43. Fayette Connection
    1. Publisher: Fayette County Genealogical Soc.
  44. Firsts: The Book Collector's Magazine
    1. Publisher: Firsts Magazine, Tucson, AZ
  45. Flint Genealogical Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Flint Genealogical Soc.
  46. Florida Genealogist
    1. Publisher: Florida State Genealogical Soc.
  47. Fort Industry Reflections
    1. Publisher: Lucas County Chapter, OGS
  48. Forum
    1. Publisher: Federation of Genealogical Soc.
  49. Fulton Footprints
    1. Publisher: Fulton County Chapter, OGS
  50. Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey
    1. Publisher: Genealogical Society of New Jersey
  51. Genealogist
    1. Publisher: American Society of Genealogists
  52. Genealogy by Computer Soc. Newsletter
    1. Publisher: Genealogy by Computer Club, Toledo
  53. Godfrey Update
    1. Publisher: Godfrey Memorial Library
  54. GSMC Record
    1. Publisher: Genealogical Society of Monroe County, Michigan
  55. Henry County Genealogical Soc. Newsletter
    1. Publisher: Henry County [OH] Genealogical Soc.
  56. Highlander
    1. Publisher: Angus J. Ray Assoc., Inc., Winnetka, IL
  57. Historic Times
    1. Publisher: Toledo's Historic Old West End
  58. History Ireland
    1. Publisher: History Ireland, Dublin
  59. History News
    1. Publisher: AASLH
  60. Hook & Letter
    1. Publisher: Toledo Firefighters Museum, Inc.
  61. Howland Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Pilgrim John Howland Society
  62. Humble Genealogist
    1. Publisher: Humble [TX] Genealogical Society
  63. Huron County Kinologist
    1. Publisher: Huron County Chapter, OGS
  64. Idaho Genealogical Society Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Idaho Genealogical Soc., Boise, ID
  65. Illinois State Genealogical Soc Newsletter
    1. Publisher: Illinois State Genealogical Soc.
  66. Illinois State Genealogical Soc Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Illinois State Genealogical Soc.
  67. Illuminator
    1. Publisher: Zion [IL] Genealogical Soc.
  68. Indiana Genealogical Society Newsletter
    1. Publisher: Indiana Genealogical Soc., Fort Wayne, IN
  69. Indiana Genealogist
    1. Publisher: Indiana Genealogical Society
  70. Indiana Magazine of History
    1. Publisher: Indiana Historical Soc.
  71. Inland Seas
    1. Publisher: Great Lakes Historical Soc., Vermilion, Ohio
  72. Internet Genealogy
    1. Publisher: Moorshead Magazines Ltd., Toronto, Ontario Canada
  73. Irish Family History
    1. Publisher: Irish Family History Soc.
  74. Irish Roots
    1. Publisher: Belgrave Publications, Cork, Ireland
  75. Jacksonville Florida Genealogical Soc. Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Jacksonville, FL Genealogical Soc.
  76. Jazz Notes
    1. Publisher: Toledo Jazz Society
  77. Jots from the Point
    1. Publisher: Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society
  78. Journal of the Afro-American Hist. & Gene. Soc.
    1. Publisher: Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Soc.
  79. Kalamazoo Valley Heritage
    1. Publisher: Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Soc.
  80. Kansas History
    1. Publisher: Kansas State Historical Society
  81. Kentucky Ancestors
    1. Publisher: Kentucky Historical Soc.
  82. Keyhole
    1. Publisher: Genealogical Soc. of Southwestern Penn.
  83. Kinsman Courier
    1. Publisher: Coshocton County Chapter, OGS
  84. Kishwaukee Genealogists
    1. Publisher: Kishwaukee Genealogists, Rockford, IL
  85. L.O.G.: Ledger of Genealogy
    1. Publisher: West Virginia Genealogy Society
  86. Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas
    1. Publisher: Labor & Working-class History Assn.
  87. Lagrange Street News
    1. Publisher: Lagrange Street News, Toledo, OH
  88. Lake Erie Ledger
    1. Publisher: Society of the War of 1812, Ohio
  89. Local Historian (Ohio)
    1. Publisher: Ohio Assn. of Historical Societies and Museums
  90. Magazine of Virginia Genealogy
    1. Publisher: Virginia Genealogical Soc.
  91. Maine Genealogist
    1. Publisher: Maine Genealogical Soc.
  92. Marine History Lines
  93. Marion Memories
    1. Publisher: Marion Area Genealogy Soc., OGS
  94. Marshland to Heartland
    1. Publisher: Ottawa County Chapter, OGS
  95. Maryland Genealogical Society Journal
    1. Publisher: Maryland Genealogical Society
  96. Maryland Historical Magazine
    1. Publisher: Maryland Historical Soc.
  97. Mayflower Chronicles
    1. Publisher: Toledo Colony of Mayflower Descendants
  98. Mayflower Quarterly/Journal
    1. Publisher: General Soc. Of Mayflower Descendants
  99. MCGS Reporter
    1. Publisher: Milwaukee County Genealogical Soc., Inc., Milwaukee, WI
  100. MDHS News
    1. Publisher: Maryland Historical Society
  101. Mennonite Family History
    1. Publisher: Elverson, PA
  102. Mercer County Monitor
    1. Publisher: Mercer County Chapter, OGS
  103. Michigana
    1. Publisher: Western Michigan Genealogical Soc.
  104. Minie Bullet-In
    1. Publisher: Greater Toledo Civil War Roundtable
  105. Minnesota History
  106. Missouri Historical Review
  107. Missouri State Genealogical Society Journal
    1. Publisher: Missouri State Genealogical Association
  108. National Genealogical Society Quarterly
    1. Publisher: National Genealogical Soc., Arlington, VA
  109. National Soc. US Daughters of 1812 Newsletter
  110. New England Ancestors
    1. Publisher: New England Historic Genealogical Soc.
  111. New England Hist. & Genealogical Register
    1. Publisher: New England Historic Genealogical Soc.
  112. New Hampshire Genealogical Record
    1. Publisher: New Hampshire Society of Genealogists, Inc.
  113. New York Genealogical & Biographical Record
    1. Publisher: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society
  114. New York Researcher
    1. Publisher: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society
  115. Newsletter (Genealogical Society of New Jersey)
    1. Publisher: Genealogical Society of New Jersey
  116. Newsletter (Historic Perrysburg)
    1. Publisher: Historic Perrysburg, Inc., Perrysburg, OH
  117. Newsletter of the Parke Society
    1. Publisher: Parke Soc.
  118. Newsletter of the Southwest Cuyahoga Chapter, OGS
    1. Publisher: Southwest Cuyahoga Chapter, OGS
  119. Newsletter of the Sylvania Area Historical Society
    1. Publisher: Sylvania Area Historical Society
  120. Newsletter of the Wood County Chapter, OGS
    1. Publisher: Wood County Chapter, OGS
  121. NGS Newsmagazine
    1. Publisher: National Genealogical Soc.
  122. North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal
    1. Publisher: North Carolina Genealogical Soc.
  123. Northwest Ohio History
    1. Publisher: Lucas County/Maumee Valley Historical Society
  124. Ohio Civil War Genealogy Journal
    1. Publisher: Ohio Genealogical Soc., Mansfield, OH
  125. Ohio Genealogical Society Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Ohio Genealogical Society, Mansfield, OH
  126. Ohio Genealogy News
    1. Publisher: Ohio Genealogical Society, Mansfield, OH
  127. Ohio History
    1. Publisher: Kent State University Press
  128. Ohio Magazine
    1. Publisher: Ohio Magazine, Inc., Columbus, OH
  129. Ohio Postal History Journal
    1. Publisher: Ohio Postal History Society
  130. Ohio Records and Pioneer Families
    1. Publisher: Ohio Genealogical Soc., Mansfield, OH
  131. Ohio Valley History
    1. Publisher: Cincinnati Historical Society & Filson Historical Society
  132. Ohioana Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Martha Kinney Cooper Ohioana Library Assn., Columbus, OH
  133. Ohio's Last Frontier
    1. Publisher: Williams County Genealogical Soc., OGS
  134. Oklahoma Genealogical Society Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Oklahoma Genealogical Soc.
  135. Our Family
    1. Publisher: Cardinal Stritch High School Alumni
  136. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America
    1. Publisher: Bibliographical Society of America, New York, NY
  137. Pathways
    1. Publisher: Ohio Humanities Council
  138. Pinckney District Chapter Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Pinckney District Chapter, SC Genealogical Soc.
  139. Platte Co. Missouri Hist. & Gene. Soc. Bulletin
    1. Publisher: Platte County Historical & Genealogical Society
  140. Prall Newsletter
    1. Publisher: Prall Family Assn., Albuquerque, NM
  141. Printing History
    1. Publisher: American printing history Assn., New York, NY
  142. Quest
    1. Publisher: Florida Chapter, OGS
  143. Rare Book Review
    1. Publisher: Countrywide Editions, London, Eng.
  144. RBM: A Journal of Rare Books
    1. Publisher: Assn. of College and Research Libraries, ALA
  145. Rear View Mirror
    1. Publisher: Ford Genealogy Club, Dearborn, MI
  146. Reflections
    1. Publisher: Kansas State Historical Soc.
  147. Register of the Kentucky Historical Society
    1. Publisher: Kentucky Historical Soc.
  148. Reunions
  149. Rhode Island Roots
    1. Publisher: Rhode Island Genealogical Society
  150. Ross County Genealogical Society Newsletter
    1. Publisher: Ross County Chapter, OGS
  151. Sketch Pad
    1. Publisher: Toledo Artists Club
  152. Smoke Signals
    1. Publisher: Toledo Dept. of Fire and Rescue Operations, Toledo, OH
  153. South Carolina Historical Magazine
    1. Publisher: South Carolina Historical Soc.
  154. South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research
    1. Publisher: Brent Holcomb, Columbia, SC
  155. Southern Roots and Shoots
    1. Publisher: Delta Genealogical Soc., Rossville, GA
  156. Starter
    1. Publisher: Willys-Overland-Knight Registry
  157. Stirpes
    1. Publisher: Texas State Genealogical Society
  158. Stritch-o-Gram
    1. Publisher: Cardinal Stritch High School, Oregon, OH
  159. TAB-loid
    1. Publisher: Teen Advisory Board, TLCPL
  160. TAGS
    1. Publisher: Toledo Area Genealogical Soc.
  161. Telescope
    1. Publisher: Great Lakes Maritime Institute, Vermilion, OH
  162. Toledo Bar Association News
  163. Toledo Blade
  164. Toledo City Paper
    1. Publisher: Adams Street Publishing Co., Toledo, OH
  165. Toledo History Museum Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Toledo History Museum, Toledo, OH
  166. Toledo Medicine
  167. Towpaths
    1. Publisher: Canal Soc. Of Ohio, Marietta, OH
  168. TPGS Newsletter
    1. Publisher: Toledo Polish Genealogical Society, Toledo, OH
  169. Tracer
    1. Publisher: Cuyahoga West Chapter, OGS
  170. Track and Trace
    1. Publisher: Hardin County Genealogy Soc., OGS
  171. Tracking in Crawford County
    1. Publisher: Crawford County Chapter, OGS
  172. Tree Climber
    1. Publisher: Stark County Chapter, OGS
  173. Tree Talks
    1. Publisher: Central New York Genealogical Soc.
  174. Tuscarawas Pioneer Footprints
    1. Publisher: Tuscarawas County Genealogical Soc.
  175. Union Echoes
    1. Publisher: Union Chapter, OGS
  176. Village Voice of Ottawa Hills
    1. Publisher: Ottawa Hills, OH
  177. Virginia Genealogical Society Newsletter
    1. Publisher: Virginia Genealogical Soc.
  178. Virginia Magazine of History & Biography
    1. Publisher: Virginia Historical Society
  179. Voice of the Building Trades
  180. Washington
    1. Publisher: Washington County Chapter, OGS
  181. Wayne Ancestors
    1. Publisher: Wayne County Chapter, OGS
  182. Western Lake Erie Historical Society News
  183. Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society Quarterly
    1. Publisher: Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society
  184. Working USA
    1. Publisher: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., Hoboken, NJ
  185. Your Genealogy Today
    1. Publisher: Moorshead Magazines Ltd., Toronto, Ontario Canada
The Toledo Lucas County Public Library also has digital collections published at the website.
  1. Toledo Lucas County Public Library Auditor's Images []
  2. Toledo Lucas County Public Library Community Photo Album []
  3. Toledo Lucas County Public Library Digital Collections []
  4. Toledo Lucas County Public Library Newspaper Collections []

Here is a link to the Local History and Genealogy section in the Toledo Library website

Inside the Ohio State Reformatory, The Shawshank Redemption Prison - Random Travel Instinct

Take a look inside the Ohio State Reformatory is located in Mansfield, Ohio in the United States. The historic prison was built between 1886 and 1910 and covered an area of 40 acres. The prison remained in operation until 1990 and has since been converted to a museum. The prison is best known for being the setting for the 1994 movie The Shawshank Redemption.

If you are unable to play the video directly from this page here is the direct link to YouTube,