Friday, June 29, 2018

StumbleUpon Shuts Down after 16 years

Discovery engine StumbleUpon shut down today, after 16 years of operation. It was an interesting tool that let you discover random websites based on your interest. It came as a toolbar for popular web browsers like Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. Later mobile apps were also available for popular platforms. In addition to discovering interesting websites, the toolbar also let users to submit websites to its ranking engine.

The service was started in November 2001 by Garrett Camp, Geoff Smith, Justin LaFrance and Eric Boyd. Back in 2009, StumbleUpon surpassed all other social media sites in the US, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Digg, Reddit, and Pinterest, in driving traffic to webpages.

A screenshot of the website in June 2018:

The StumbleUpon user accounts are being transitioned to, another content discovery website. This is what they tweeted a few days ago.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Today I Learned that Costco's hot dog has remained $1.50 since it was first introduced in 1984

Incredibly, the hot dog and soda combo at Costco has sold for the same $1.50 since the retail club first introduced the dogs to customers in 1984. Accounting for inflation, it should sell for about $4.25.

MentalFloss writes about it here: